Curious Creatures Photography

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Headshot photography | Cornwall

headshots photography for small business owners in Cornwall

We all have to portray an image of ourselves at work, and when you have your own business it’s even more important to create an image that makes us look attractive to customers and respect-worthy to our peers.

The need to ‘stand out from the crowd’ might be hard for you - after all you just want to do your thing and keep your face out of it. However, it really is true that people buy from people, not faceless companies, and you do your business a huge favour by showing up from time to time!

How you show up matters!

Whenever your face appears, people will judge and form opinions no matter what - we all do it, it’s normal. Often this is fleeting and immediate - an impression is formed instantly.

The best thing you can do is create the sort of impression that you think truly reflects you and your brand so that you have a better chance of those first impressions saying what you want them to.

So where do you start?

A professional headshot will always stand out and look better than a selfie, that’s for sure. But how do go about getting one that conveys the unique character of you and your brand?


Thoughtful choice of clothing, hair & make up will make all the difference to your photos. Remember: style says everything about who you are without having to say a word.

So decide - what impression do you want to give?

We all have several personalities (or sides to our personality) - which side do you want to capture? What is the most relevant to your customers, what values will they want to see?

Trustworthy and traditional?

Creative and unique?

Caring and compassionate?

Confident and fearless?

Dress for the part - conservative, funky, approachable, edgy. Suit, dungarees, floral dress etc…

Hair & Make up

Well worth having done for your session - it can be a natural touch or full face - whatever you think works for the image you’re trying to convey.

Long hair can be styled, curled or tamed - whatever is needed!

Case History - Anna

Anna Lampriere came in for some photos of herself for her Conscious Coaching website and social media profile pictures. She was hesitant as she’d had a disappointing experience before, but realised that the 10 year old photos and selfies she was currently using needed updating.

She embraced the brief with a varied selection of outfits, which we used to capture her different sides. Anna works a lot in corporate environments coaching executives, but is also an inspirational speaker, yoga teacher, and leader empowering women, with her incredible ‘Speak You’ and other workshops.

I think that you can see from her photos what an interesting and passionate lady she is!

To book or enquire about a session with me, get in touch - I’d love to learn more.