Curious Creatures Photography

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Mum & one-year-old photo session

Studio ‘Mummy & Me’ photo shoot

It was amazing to finally meet Taor and her little girl, Alina recently!

It happens so often when you have a baby - things get put off, postponed for a better month when the MOT isn’t due, or forgotten about in the chaos and constant distractions of child-rearing. I totally get it!

Taor had been in touch about newborn photos before Alina was even born, but that didn’t pan out when she had a C-section and a hard time recovering from that with a baby. She later contacted me to book a session for Alina’s first birthday - they were celebrating with a beach BBQ and she wanted some photos with the family, but that didn’t pan out either.

I put out a model call for breastfeeding models and again she sent me a message but she missed out (model found) - so close! Not long after that, she got hold of me again and this time booked a Mummy & Me session. She was determined to get these photos - finding herself with a one year old, all that time gone, and still no professional pictures.

We’d all love it to go a little slower - and even though that first year is hard, it does fly and is quickly forgotten. The baby from a few months ago no longer exists, when they’re growing and changing so fast. The details you think you’ll never forget are replaced as their skills and abilities improve.

I think most mothers are familiar with the sadness they feel as their little ones grow. Babyhood is over so fast, and next thing you know you have a toddler. Each stage is so amazing in it’s own way, but you do miss the stage before sometimes.

Alina was teething and a bit tired, not her usually bubbly self, so there were lots of serious face shots, but she got to have lots of love and cuddles and tickles and I did manage to see that beautiful smile too!

Here are a few of these lovely two’s photos!

To book or enquire about a mummy & me session with me, get in touch - I’d love to learn more.