Curious Creatures Photography

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My no-fuss approach to cake smash photoshoots | Cornwall

Why I have adopted a no-fuss approach to my baby cake smash photoshoots in Cornwall

I have a rather, shall we say, uncomfortable history with cake smash photoshoots.

In fact, I have stopped offering them altogether a few times over the years.


Because the simple truth is that believe it or not, many babies aren’t interested in smashing up a cake. And some of them find everything about the idea loathsome!

This shouldn’t be a problem, and it isn’t really… But during a cake smash, this is what they are SUPPOSED to do, so it is a problem. There’s this peculiar pressure to perform, and resulting disappointment and frustration when they don’t… and by that stage it’s all going against pretty much everything I stand for.


Capturing babies’ first year is something I really love to do, and cake smash photoshoots have a special allure for parents, so I do still offer them.

On one condition…

The cake is optional!

Spoiler Alert! It’s not about the cake!

I get it. Your baby is turning one and you want to do something EPIC! It’s such a huge accomplishment for all of you to have reached this very exciting milestone! What could be cuter than your baby obliterating a cake with delight and abandon!

Some babies absolutely love it - the little extraverts out there - and those sessions are great!!

But it’s really common for babies to really NOT love the experience of being sat down on their own, away from everybody, and encouraged to make a mess as well as look at a camera and smile.

Many babies have already picked up negative messages about making a mess and so this situation is really quite stressful and confusing for them.

If you’re a mum that is quick to wipe up hands and faces, and your baby isn’t familiar with messy play then there’s a good chance they will not want to smash a cake up with their bare hands.

My approach these days is less focused on anyone having to make a mess, and more about the child.

Great Expectations vs being realistic

These are the one and only type of sessions I do where there is an expectation. A brief. Pressure not only on me, but on the baby to ‘perform’ in a very specific way.

I always warn parents that their little one might surprise them with their reaction. Around age 1 is when some babies really start to experience separation anxiety. This is a natural stage in their development, but it can mean they aren’t as happy go lucky as they were a few months prior, when you booked.

Despite advising to not arrive with any expectations, it is disappointing when a baby doesn’t want any part of smashing a cake or having a splash in a bubble bath. There isn’t much of a plan B without abandoning plan A completely, which parents are usually reluctant to do.

I’ve had normally sensible mums and dads desperately trying to make their crying babies laugh, playing their favourite tv programme etc on their phone etc, waving it around at top volume behind me, as their little one looks up miserably.

I get that working with babies you do have to do a bit of cheering up and playing - but this level of distress and desperation is completely out of alignment with what I do.

A Curious Creatures Photography cake smash…

my ‘No-Fuss’ approach

Smashing a cake is no longer the main objective of these sessions.

In fact, getting a big celebration cake ordered or made is optional.

You are in charge of supplying whatever birthday treat you think is appropriate for your baby, knowing them as you do. This can be a cake, or a donut, or a pile of cookies, or a huge piece of watermelon. For some a simple cupcake would do. Most things can photograph well if planned properly (anything too chocolatey probably not a good idea - imagine what that might look like!)

The session will be very simply set up so that we can add props and change things up if we want to, and after a while we can give your baby their little treat and see what they do. If they’re not liking it then we just carry on as we were - capturing your baby in a sweet and playful way, with a bit of freedom to move.

My little tin tub is always there, so if you want to try a bubble bath this is often a hit and the photos are adorable - whether or not they make any mess smashing up a cake.

The point is to just let them be, with no pressure or high expectations.

What I love is that you just don’t know what might happen during the session - so much more fun for baby, you and me!!

Natural first birthday & cake smash photoshoots happen in my studio in Truro, or can also be outdoors for something a bit more special and fun!!

To book or enquire about a session with me, get in touch - I’d love to hear from you.