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Why you've GOT to have a newborn photoshoot | Cornwall maternity & Newborn Photographer

Expecting a baby? It’s a whole new world…

When I was pregnant with my first baby I didn’t know what to expect. It was like a whole new world that I was about to be entering. It reminds me now of how I was before I headed off backpacking at age 18. You hear others’ experiences, and have a picture built in your mind of how it’s going to be but it’s not until you find yourself on a bus in Israel surrounded by soldiers with big guns, that you realise you are either very prepared and organised or (like me) woefully naive!! Those were the days before Facebook and smart phones too but even with all the information at our fingertips, until you have your baby you just can’t know what it will actually be like.

Fast forward 10 years … I am now a newborn photographer in Truro, Cornwall and I want you to grab this once-in-a-lifetime chance to have your first memories captured with a newborn photoshoot because you might not realise until it’s too late how important these memories are.

One thing that will be true

Even though the details will be unique to you, some things are universally true in the early days.

Your baby will grow. Fast! During the first 2-6 weeks they will change. A lot!

The ‘newborn’ phase is very short lived. It is a magical time. Babies sleep most of the time, and life is a total blur. You are pumped full of love hormones, sleep deprivation, physical exhaustion… it’s emotional, it’s heaven but with a monumental learning curve (why is every contraption so complicated!)

And just when you start to get the hang of things you realise your little one has progressed from a tiny curled up newborn to a chunky smiley baby.

It happens in a flash (though I know it will feel like an eternity).

I hear it time and time again. Talk to any seasoned parent about the newborn stage and they’ll tell you…

“I didn’t know it would go so fast!”

“I’m so gutted we didn’t have newborn photos taken”…

Ok, maybe I get the latter more because I’m a newborn photographer but trust me, I hear it a lot!!

It’s like falling in love, on steroids…

When your baby is born, they are the most perfect, precious, tiny, new thing in the world. There is nothing that you love more. You are SO in love. And you want to keep it perfect and like new for as long as you can… You just want to hold on to that.

It’s like when you buy something really, really expensive and you want it to stay like that forever. Except this is way more valuable than anything you’ve ever bought. It’s so epic.

From the day they are born, your baby will grow and change so much, but that new, blissful newborn bubble which is so special and so fleeting, has GOT to be captured.

You have GOT to do whatever you can to remember that because it’s such a beautiful beginning, and this is such an incredible time in your life.

Such an incredible time! I feel very passionately about this!!

The fog

Did you know, many people don’t really remember much about the newborn stage? The fog is very real with so much going on - for me it was the first 3 months, but certainly the first 6 weeks are a total blur.

I’ve had mums tell me they remember nothing of that time. Their newborn photos are the only record they have, and they are so grateful they had them done.

Welcome to parenthood

It’s a really huge life moment to have a baby and you definitely want to remember how that felt. There is so much in store for you… Oh my goodness, you have no idea where this time, and this journey are going to take you.

I can assure you, there are moments ahead of the most incredible beauty, love, wonder, awe and bliss, and there are moments that will bring you to your knees, if not into a hole under the ground, where you are physically and emotionally tested to the limit.

This is parenthood - it’s an amazing thing to get to do. And we only live once - if we get to be parents we are so lucky and we just have to appreciate every moment that we are given to enjoy having a child, and to watch them grow from tiny little brand new perfect dot to what we hope is going to be the future generation.

This is the next generation - it is so important what we’re doing - we’re giving birth to the future of our world - each one of us as a collective, so I don’t think we can under-estimate, trivialise or downplay the incredible significance of every single baby that’s born.

So many people don’t get to have this opportunity and I know the heartache that goes with that. Let’s not forget how lucky we are that we get to do this.

So when you’re having a baby you have got to celebrate it, cherish it, and capture it!!

Book a session

If you want to save yourself a lifetime of regret, book a newborn session with me! Get in touch while you’re pregnant and we’ll pencil in a date for about 2 weeks after your due date. Don’t worry if your baby is early or late, we’ll reschedule accordingly.

When you book I take a fee which secures the booking, and we will also schedule a time to talk through the details of how the process and session works, and plan your session according to your favourite colours and styles of photos.

Newborn babies are just the most amazing thing to photograph. My favourite way to capture new parents and their newborn baby is in a really relaxed, simply styled session in my studio. These sessions unfold naturally and each baby and family is unique.

It is an incredible honour to be able to capture these moments not only for the new parents but for the baby as well - we are documenting their life so that they have this record too. This is their beginning. We are responsible for giving them something to look back on.