5 things I wish clients knew - note from a Cornwall family photographer
The 5 things I wish clients knew… a Cornwall family photographers’ perspective
It’s the same in any industry - there’s the ‘what everyone thinks you do’ vs ‘what you actually do’. I’ve seen the funny memes - and no matter what your work is, there are going to be assumptions and misconceptions from those who have never been in the trade.
I’ve worked in a wide variety of jobs over the years, before I became a Cornwall family photographer. Enough to know that until you do it yourself, you can’t possibly know what goes into a job. It’s all the little things that are unique to each industry and workplace. Maybe this is why a glimpse behind the scenes is always so fascinating! I imagine that there are a lot of presumptions about being a photographer too! Believe it or not, we don’t just prance about taking pictures!
So, what do I wish my clients knew about? This is from my unique perspective - the ‘inside’ story that they don’t see….
1. I fall in love with each person I photograph, at least a little bit
Sounds lame, but it’s very true.
After your session, we wave goodbye and you go on with your life. You can relax and look forward to seeing the pictures.
I, on the other hand, settle down and get stuck in to editing. With coffee on tap, I immerse myself for hours in the moments from your session.
Editing is a wonderful part of the process for me - bringing the best images to life, learning every expression and character trait that appears on my screen, pulling on my heart strings.
I become intimately familiar with every feature of all of you. It’s an up-close, front row, slow-motion view of all the little things frozen by the camera. While the session itself is usually a full-on blur with so much going on, so much to concentrate on, it’s not until now that I I get to know you, and see what was happening fully.
I find myself feeling like I’m getting to know you, and I replay all of our conversations and little things that stuck in my mind during the session. They are lovely memories to be lost in and it is genuinely my hope that you feel the same!
In the words of the King of Rock & Roll… “I can’t help falling in love with you.”
2. I am every bit as nervous as you are!
Everyone arrives at a family photography session feeling some degree of nervousness. It might surprise you to know that I do too! I don’t know you, or what really lies in store. I might have been a Cornwall family photographer for a while, but that means I’ve experienced plenty of curveballs too!
Also, I suffer from social anxiety and am a natural born worrier. I’m used to it washing over me at some point before every phone call, photography session, viewing.
It’s nothing personal, and has made some of my processes necessary - not only to calm my nerves but yours too, in case you feel the same! For example, meeting you in person (at least via Zoom) before the shoot so that we’re not total strangers, and preparing the details so that we know roughly what to expect.
And don’t worry! Once we get warmed up everyone has a great time - I just like to get the awkward bit out the way before the session if I can!
3. I’m thinking ahead for you
Part of my unique perspective as a Cornwall family photographer, and mother of 8 years, is projecting myself into the future and looking at your session as the ‘good old days’. I’m not just taking photos here, I am curating memories.
Perhaps everyone does this, but I’ve always been able to see everything from a ‘looking back’ perspective. I get nostalgic for what’s happening now, because I know how much is going to change and how one day we will look at the little details of the images and miss the &%*^ out of them.
4. It really IS about moments, not poses!
I totally understand that it’s out of most peoples’ comfort zone to have a camera pointing at them, but I love it when people bring their heart and soul to the session, seizing the opportunity to connect with each other and have some fun.
Play, cuddle, laugh! This is what we are here to document! I’ll prompt and direct as much as I can, but it’s your session so make the most of it. BRING IT ALL!
I am really not a posed-style photographer. My goal is to spot the moments that really capture you and your favourite people, and there is no Pinterest pose that can get us there. I can tell you what to do, or you can show me who you are.
TIP: If you feel self-conscious just focus your attention on something in the moment - details like your little ones’ eyelashes or fingernails, listen to the sounds around you, take a few breaths. Connect with the present moment and allow yourself to forget I’m there. Moments will happen by themselves.
5. I CARE!
Maybe it comes across as bossy that I recommend outfit choices, time of day and locations etc. Yes, I am a bit of a control freak I suppose but at the bottom of it is the simple fact that I genuinely care. I am passionate about details. I am a perfectionist. I am deeply committed to giving you images that you LOVE!!
I have my style of shooting and editing and I know how things will look, what works and what doesn’t. Years of experience, hundreds of hours of errors and experimentation, a lot of frustration and joy is what you get when you book me.
Not everyone chooses to follow my advice and that’s fine. It is always those who trust me who enjoy the session the most and have the best images.
After all, the session is the canvas. YOU are the ART!
To book or enquire about a Cornwall family photography session, get in touch!