Celebrating fatherhood - why dads rock!
Happy Father’s Day!
To every father out there, this is the day where we stand up and say thank you. We may not always show it, but we love you and appreciate everything you have done for us thus far.
It is also the day where we celebrate the uniqueness of our fathers, as no two dads are alike. In fact, there are many different types – the “cool” father, the “don’t get on the wrong side of me” dad, and of course the “don’t tell your mother” dad.
I know we tend to focus on motherhood, but fatherhood is such a beautiful journey too. I really do get the best clients - everyone who comes through my doors is somebody I am genuinely happy to have met.
Often it’s first time parents, bringing in their 2 week old baby. I remember what it was like - vaguely - those first few weeks. Actually, months! When you have your first baby you literally don’t have a clue. I see guys come in who are overwhelmed by tiredness, the demands of their new role, full of love and exhaustion but there to serve - as best they can. It’s a vulnerable place to be - not knowing what you’re doing, feeling completely out of your depth, responsible for this tiny human.
There is something exquisitely beautiful about those early days - the clumsiness, terror and bloodshot eyes. The selfless to-ing and fro-ing, the humble way dads try to support their spouse and get to grips with their new role as father. I bet it comes as a bit of shock - that’s ok! The best thing for me is meeting up a few months later and seeing you handling things with confidence. Just wait til you come in with your second or third baby - you’re all pros by then and it’s great to see how relaxed you are!
"The most precious things a father can provide are time, attention, and love." —Tim Russert
Whatever kind of dad you are, keep it up. Be there. Your children get so much from your presence and what you teach them. Your example shapes their lives and their future. Everything you are, they learn to be. You are the ultimate role model for your boys. For your girls, you imprint on her an impression that will determine every relationship she has. Your love is beyond measure - every last drop is precious gold.
Thanks dads and have a happy Father’s Day!