How to get Toddlers on board for Photoshoots | Cornwall family photographer

Baby and Toddler photoshoot Cornwall

The wonderful world of Toddlers

OMG, toddlers can be a lot of work, but they're also SO MUCH fun! If you’re booked in for a family or newborn photoshoot with me in Cornwall and have a toddler in the crew, you might be wondering how this is all going to go… Some parents worry that their terrific toddler won’t handle a session or being in photos.

Whether they’re the star of the show in your photoshoot, or coming with a new addition to the family, you want to enjoy the memories of this special time in all of your lives.

When a photoshoot involves a toddler I find it useful to adjust expectations and remember what being a toddler is all about

It’s all about having a bit of perspective and being realistic.

Toddler facts:

Toddlers are naturally curious and active. They love to explore and learn new things. They are developing their independence and want to do things on their own, even if they can't do them perfectly.

Toddlers are also starting to develop their own personalities, so may be shy, outgoing, or somewhere in between, and this will make a big difference.

As they are learning how to manage their emotions, they may have tantrums when they're frustrated or angry. Like when they’re being told what to do, how to sit… all the things we need them to do in a session!

It’s important to remember that toddlers are going through a lot of changes, both physically and emotionally - especially if a new baby is now in the picture. The key is to be patient and understanding with them.

A photoshoot is a rather strange situation for toddlers, and because of its unfamiliarity it might cause them to feel scared and resistant. There are suddenly all these rules and expectations on them.

I don’t think I’d handle it very well either unless I felt understood and appreciated.

Toddlers in photoshoots

Encouraging toddlers to be in photos can be challenging, especially if they’re not too keen. They don’t understand the importance or significance of what’s happening (of course!).

The best way to encourage cooperation is to make them want to do it. Here are a few tricks I use to help make the process more enjoyable and engaging for them:

  1. Make it fun

    I try to make the photo session a fun and enjoyable experience. We play games, sing songs, and make silly faces to get them to relax and feel more comfortable.

  2. Involve them in the process

    We can give your toddler a sense of ownership over the photo session by involving them in the planning process. Let them choose their outfit or something special to be in a few photos. During the session we can give them a few choices if they’re old enough to understand.

  3. Be patient

    Toddlers are unpredictable, so it's important to be patient and flexible during the photo session. We can take breaks if needed and be prepared to adjust your plans if things aren't going as expected.

  4. Use props

    Props can help keep your toddler engaged and focused during the photo session. I have some toys and other items that your child might enjoy playing with to help them feel more comfortable in front of the camera.

  5. Keep it short and sweet

    Toddlers have short attention spans, so it's important to keep the photo session short and focused. I try to capture the important moments quickly, so that your toddler doesn't get bored or restless.

    If we’re doing a newborn shoot one parent can take out the toddler for some fresh air once their turn having photos is done.

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the moment with your toddler. Don't worry too much about getting the perfect shot, as some of the best memories are often captured in candid, spontaneous moments.

I am an experienced baby and family photographer in Truro, Cornwall, and I have photographed 100’s of little ones at all their delightful stages. Sessions involving toddlers can feel a little chaotic, but parents are always amazed by the photos afterwards.

To book or enquire about a session with me, get in touch - I’d love to learn more.