Body image in Motherhood | Bodies of Mothers Photography Project


Body image in motherhood… 

This is a positive body image project which involves photographing mothers alone or with their children, nude or semi-nude, to look at and explore body image issues for mums, with the aim of improving self-acceptance, and ultimately to promote radical self-love and a positive body image.

 The first aim of this project is to make mothers feel good – reminding them how incredible their bodies truly are, showing images of a diverse range of body types captured in an honest way.

motherhood body positive photography cornwall

No photoshop.

No boudoir posing.

No airbrushing.

 Just the skin…

… That layer of us that separates the inside from the outside – protecting, touching and feeling.  The layer that knows so intimately the bodies of our babies.  The place where our bodies meet the world, letting us feel all of it.  What could be directly alive than that, and more worthy of awe!! And at least neutrality if not love!

 We should not only be celebrating what our bodies do for us, but perhaps looking at the beauty in the bodies of mothers, no matter what colour, condition, shape or size.  Our shared feminine humanness.  Normalising ‘imperfect’ bodies, redefining beauty and daring to drop the feeling that there’s something wrong with ourselves.

We are bombarded since birth with messages about the ideal way to look (in order to be ok, loveable, acceptable), it’s really hard to feel good when you have a plain, ‘imperfect’ or outright will-never-fit-in body.  How many of us as a result felt unworthy, unlovable, inferior at some point (and endured the knock-on effects on our self esteem, which affects everything?)

 Becoming a mother can often bring on a load of unexpected new challenges to how we view and love our bodies.  It can take us a step (or 10) further from that ideal that we feel we should be living up to, and most of us don’t see it coming.

Despite the most incredible thing our body has done – growing and birthing a new life (the most precious thing on earth to us), and continues to do – we attack ourselves, feel ashamed and impatient with our bodies, as if they have failed us by not bouncing back.

Motherhood body image photos Cornwall

All bodies are good, and what our bodies do when we become mothers is truly magical.


“Body positivity refers to the assertion that all people deserve to have a positive body image, regardless of how society and popular culture view ideal shape, size, and appearance.

Some of the goals of the body positivity movement include:

  • Challenging how society views the body

  • Promoting the acceptance of all bodies

  • Helping people build confidence and acceptance of their own bodies

  • Addressing unrealistic body standards”



Bodies of Mothers: a body image project

My Bodies of Mothers project aims to encourage radical self love for mothers, who might be feeling less than perfect or worthy, and reminding them of the immensely wonderful instrument they have.

With this appreciation comes a deep friendship with ourselves, which is what we model to our children.

The project is possible with brave volunteers wishing to take part and get in front of the camera.  All ages, sizes, colours and stages of motherhood are welcome.  Bumps, lumps, rolls, bones, scars and stretchmarks – I need you.  Skinny and voluptuous, tall, short, long hair or bald – the beauty is in the diversity.  Nothing is required other than being yourself, and allowing yourself to take up this space in the world.

 More photos can be seen on the bodies of mothers webpage.

The project has come to an end but I am always happy to do these type of shoots if you’d like some happy natural photos like this! Just get in touch!