Get in the frame, mama!! Motherhood photographer | Cornwall


Mums, make sure you exist in photos

It’s a tale I hear ALL the time. Mothers have a million photos of their kids but none that include themselves. We all do it - phone in hand, capturing all the darling details of our little ones as they learn and grow. Fun days out, milestones reached, funny moments documented. We don’t want to forget - they’re not little for long.

But what about their memories of us?

Do you know how precious photos of YOU will be to them when they grow up? Do you have any to give them?

Motherhood photography Cornwall

Your child’s perspective

Chances are, your little one ADORES you. They can’t articulate it but the truth is, yours is the face they want to see light up when the enter the room. And yours is the face that they gaze at, and think is the most beautiful one they’ve ever seen.

You don’t feel beautiful?

Remember this. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I bet you believe that your child is absolutely gorgeous, but not every stranger you meet will see what you see, because they don’t love them like you do. Your love makes them appear perfect and beautiful to you. And their love for you is just as big, and your face to them is just as beautiful. Because when you love someone you’re not judging their appearance.

This is SO important

Another thing to ponder is why as soon as we have children, we suddenly live in their shadow - like our milestones and moments aren’t as important to document any more. We should honour more the life we are living, not just the lives we are giving. Be proud of yourself, as a mother and as the person you are.

“…yours is the face that they gaze at, and think is the most beautiful one they’ve ever seen.”

I don’t know about you but once I had kids I literally hid behind them - in photographs (they cover up all the bump and lumps) and in social situations. They became a bit of a safety shield - they took the attention from me, and gave me something to focus on other than how awkward I often felt. I bet I’m not the only one! The trouble is, we lose ourselves a bit. We don’t feel so gorgeous any more, and it becomes a bad habit to steer clear of the light and let it all fall on our little ones.

The bottom line is, we need to get our faces into the pictures more.


Aside from booking a motherhood photoshoot, I have devised another cunning plan.

This is all you have to do. It’s simple. It’s easy (in theory). It doesn’t take long and it doesn’t really hurt. Next time you’re in a moment with your baby/child, turn to someone nearby, hand them your phone and say this: “Would you mind taking a photo of me with [insert child’s name]?”.

That’s it.

Cringe when you say it but it has to be done. After a few times you’ll get the hang of it. Get the photos that show you there too - exactly as you are - how they adore you.

Cornwall motherhood photography

And WHO CARES if you’re not skinny and look a mess? Your children won’t look at the photos and compare you to some ideal that you have. And in a few years time you’ll look at the pictures and marvel at how young and pretty you looked! Trust me - you’ll never be younger! You’ll thank yourself when you’re wrinkly and grey.

Your Legacy

Let’s imagine you have some lovely photos of you with your children, doing mum stuff and the memories are captured. Now what?

You have to think into the future. When you’re gone, one of the first thing your children will do is dig out all the old photos they can find of you. Trust me, I’m going through this with my step-dad right now.

Motherhood photography Cornwall

So make sure you leave some prints for them. Those photos in your phone, or on the USB or your harddrive? They’re useless to your children in 50 years.

Now, if you still don’t feel like you’ve satisfied the brief or need help, book a motherhood photo shoot. These are pure and simple, just about you and your little one(s) and capturing a bit of the immense bond you have. There’s no right time, or size, or weight. Only now. And trust me, your moments are beautiful, and deserve 100% to be captured.

Nobody knows what tomorrow brings so seize the day and leave a legacy of loving images. Please!

To book or enquire about a motherhood session with me, get in touch. This is my passion to capture.