Maternity session for Beth | Truro photo studio

Maternity photoshoot for Beth in the Truro studio

Maternity photoshoot for Beth in the Truro studio


Maternity session | Beth
Truro Photo studio

This session was so exciting because it was the first time I was using my new space at the Old Granary in Truro! Because the new studio is so much smaller than the room I’m used to, and the window and light is different too, I was eager to see what would come out of the session.

Beth was an Instagram friend and I’d been following her posts about her first pregnancy. When she mentioned a collaboration I sent her a message and invited her to be my model. We met on a cold drizzly day outside the Old Bakery and I showed her upstairs. The building was at the time still being fixed up, and all the carpeting had been ripped out and there was mess everywhere. I’d grabbed the studio space before anything else was ready but it was just after New Year so things had come to a temporary stop.

Little did we know, the next day the new lockdown would be announced and this was the first and last session for 4 months. Waaaahhhh!

Anyway, Beth was so lovely and accommodating - I know she was nervous, but she was great to work with and let me try out different ideas and test the light in different ways. I love chatting to first time mums, and I was impressed at how organised Beth was already! It is so tough for mums pregnant and having babies during this pandemic and lockdown, my heart breaks for all that they don’t get to experience.

I’m so glad I managed to squeeze in this little session before the doors had to shut between January and April. Beth has since had her baby (Vinnie - awwwww!) and I’ll be seeing her again in the Spring for an outdoor mini session. I can’t wait to see her again and meet the the baby!

Here are some from our session. Isn’t she gorgeous?

If you’d like to book or enquire about a maternity session in my Truro photo studio or outdoors in Cornwall, contact me!