Milestones of the first year of parenthood - it's a bumpy ride!


Parenthood is hard! 

That first year is absolutely crazy!  And that is just the start (but shhhh - let’s not panic just yet…)

 When you have your first baby and become a parent there are so many firsts – like rites of passage - most of which are completely unexpected.

 For example:

  • getting pooped on for the first time…

  • collapsing in bed, tired to your bones, only to hear your baby starting to cry again…

  • literally losing your mind some days, regularly going completely blank when you enter a room with no clue what you were about to do…

  • endless opportunities for potential parenting fails (like dropping your phone onto your sleeping baby while taking their picture, or scooping ketchup off their head because you were baby carrying while eating a hotdog – and so many more)

And the really scary one:  knowing with chilling clarity that no matter how long you live or what happens, you will never escape this kind of love without an utterly broken heart.

Oh yes… The trials and tribulations, highs and lows, peaks and troughs. They are unavoidable for anyone who dares to take this ride. 

Don’t tell a new parent but babyhood is the easy part!

I’m not supposed to be telling you this, as you stare blearily through crusty, sleep deprived eyes begging me to say don’t worry, it gets easier.

Ok, you won’t always feel like this. Sleep will return in healthy chunks of 6-8 hours eventually and your life won’t revolve around dirty nappies and feeding times. New challenges will arise, and for every stage there are pros and cons.

It’s a bittersweet consolation that really, your baby is only a baby for a very short time. A blink of an eye, in the grand scheme of things.

Parenthood: Year One

For that first year, you have a baby.  By their first birthday they are already taking tiny steps away from you.  Their purpose, after all, is to grow up into independent individuals and to leave you - to explore the world for themselves (a world that by then you will struggle to understand). They will no doubt by then find you annoying and old. Don’t worry, it’s a long way off! Each stage up to then will have its own magic and mayhem.

Before I depress you completely, I’m sure that they’ll always need you on some level and to some degree, and of course they’ll always love you and be a part of you, but it’s during the first year that you are absolutely everything to them.

They’re only little once…


It’s utterly exhausting.

It’s also one of life’s greatest gifts and privileges.

There is nothing like it and to get to experience it is amazing.

 Sure, you get to eat discarded, half-chewed, soggy biscuits because you can’t find a bin at baby club, and you’ll discover what ‘pooplosion’ actually means in gooey detail, but it’s all necessary in the funny highlight reel of your life. And it is worth every moment.

Document your moments

I know how much you appreciate it and love your little one which is why I offer first year photography packages, which let you have photos capturing your little one from bump or newborn to their first birthday. 

I am a baby and family photographer in Cornwall, specialising in natural style, timeless photos that capture moments, not poses.

Nothing brings me more joy than working with parents and their little ones during their first year - the dribbles, dimples, and delightfulness!

If you’d like to find out more about my approach and style, get in touch for details! To book or enquire about a session with me, get in touch - I’d love to learn more.