March round up - Cornwall photographer


March was a mixed bag

March was a funny old month. News of the Ukraine war and soaring costs of living seemed to leave everything feeling unsettled and I felt the familiar fear and uncertainty of lockdown coming back. The desperate time that others are having makes going about our business trivial and almost insensitive. I felt guilty about wanting to get bookings in because people are seriously suffering, losing everything.

Also I became a single mum - after several months of waiting for a rental to come up, my partner of 10 years moved out. It’s an amicable parting of ways which hasn’t been easy but is for the best. I now have 2 boys to support and I have had to put every effort into keeping the business going! Big girl pants time!!

But with Spring finally showing signs of appearing, and a week or two of the most lovely warm weather, spirits were lifted and energies renewed.

I’ve done some amazing sessions this month - motherhood minis, newborn sessions, and more work on my Unravelling Women project which is so nourishing for my creative soul. To take part get in touch!

Here are the most liked photos on Instagram in March:

Twin babies photo Cornwall

10 week old Bella & Jackson - the perfect pair!

Breastfeeding photoshoot Cornwall

Motherhood and breastfeeding sessions - these are always available but in March I ran an offer for some mini motherhood sessions which went down a storm.

pregnancy photoshoot on Cornwall beach

Gorgeous parents to be at Pendower beach - this was a sneak peek from their cold but beautiful beach maternity session at Pendower, Cornwall

If you’re interested in booking a session I would love to hear from you. Get in touch!