The Beauty of Studio Family Photoshoots in Cornwall


If you’re umming and ahhing between having a studio family photoshoot or doing it outdoors, here are some points you can consider!

In favour of studio family photoshoots in Cornwall

As a rule, my family sessions have always been an outdoor thing. Not only because I haven’t had large enough studio spaces for them, but because once there are children on the go, I believe it’s better to be outside where they can jump and run and be themselves. The studio always felt so unnatural and restricted. And of course, Cornwall lends itself to outdoor family photoshoots with its beautiful, open spaces and outstanding natural beauty.

However. there have been occasions when I’ve made an exception - and (surprising to myself!), studio family sessions are growing on me.

It is still a bit of a squeeze, but actually rather fun if little ones aren’t too boisterous or crazy. If they are I would still rather be outside so that they can expel all of that energy safely!!

Serene for babies

Family studio photoshoots are perfect for babies - I have done plenty of these as it’s normal to include photos with parents in most baby photoshoots. It’s always lovely to capture the cute connections and heartfelt moments in the serene studio environment.

Studio family photography Cornwall

All Weathers

The big advantage to studio family photoshoots in Cornwall is that we are not restricted by the outdoor elements.

My outdoor sessions have to happen at often inconvenient times (sunrise or sunset), and of course the weather cannot be predicted meaning you might be wet, or blown about, or cold etc. Also there is the kerfuffle of having to reschedule if the storms are rolling in and a lot of crossed fingers and weather report obsessing.

Whereas in the studio it can be at a time that suits you, no fuss.

Studio family photography Cornwall

The treasured sibling shots

I’m not going to lie, these aren’t always easy no matter what environment we are in. Kids can’t be controlled or predicted, so this isn’t saying we have a better chance at a toddler wanting to cooperate, but another advantage to studio family photoshoots in Cornwall is that it’s a little easier to position them together. This is especially true if the younger is very small. Although this is doable outdoors, it can be less messy in the studio, and just as sweet.

Sure, studio family portraits do end up being a little more positioned and posed but that’s not to say we can’t still have fun!! There is still as much of an invitation to let those gorgeous personalities shine and to capture some fantastic moments.

Studio family photoshoot Cornwall

To book or enquire about a studio family photoshoot in Cornwall with me, get in touch - I’d love to learn more.