Lockdown Photo Challenge #3 - Mum with the kids
I don’t know about you, but after 2 months of lockdown the novelty has completely worn off. Tempers are flaring, boredom is setting in. Things are turning seriously feral.
So I’m giving myself new things to do and I’d love it if you joined me. If you like taking photos and fancy doing mini photo shoots for yourself, give these a go and post your results either on Facebook or Instagram, and be sure to tag me in @curiouscreaturesphotography!
Challenge #3: Photos of mum and the kids
This might test the strongest relationship but us mamas need to get in the picture now and then, and it’s totally worth it!
All you’ll need is:
Someone to take the photos,
Chocolate buttons or other pocket treats.
Just follow these easy steps!
Pick out some outfits that work well together for you and the kiddos. Doesn’t have to be matching colours, but should look good together. Avoid primary colours. No logos, football shirts etc. Plain but comfortable
Brush hair and wipe faces. Dig out your hairbrush and make up bag. Get yourself pretty!
Choose your spot to take the photos. It can be inside or outside. We opted for the bed in the morning after a disastrous attempt the previous afternoon. *TIP: do it when people are likely to cooperate!
Find a place that is uncluttered and has even light - avoid direct sunlight.Round everyone up and instruct the kids to cuddle you while your ‘photographer’ takes photos. The best angle is from slightly above you but it depends on where you are. Try to have everyone close and faces near each other.
If anyone needs bribing, dish out some white chocolate buttons or similar. Instruct everyone to squeeze in close and tickle, kiss, cuddle.Don’t worry about everyone looking at the camera. Go for those lovely candid shots.
After about 5 minutes, if you’re lucky, they’ll have had enough. Hopefully you’ll have managed one or two shots that you like! Now you can edit them to your taste, or send your best one to me and I’ll be happy to give it a quick edit, and you’re done!
Be sure to post your results and don’t forget to tag Curious Creatures Photography in! I’d love to see!
Next challenge coming soon.

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