Sweet newborn baby Evie in the studio

Newborn photo shoot in the studio, Cornwall

Newborn photo session for baby Evie in the studio, Cornwall

It was so exciting and terrifying having the first baby in the studio since lockdown! I held off opening for a few weeks, managing to stick to outdoor sessions, but enquiries were coming in and I had to get my head around what I needed to do before opening up safely. Honestly, the whole thing was not something I wanted to face (I don’t think I handle change well!)

Once the decision was made and Evie’s newborn session was booked in, the old excitement was back and I got to work, cleaning and ordering in giant hand sanitisers, masks, visors etc. By the morning of our session I was primed, well read and so ready to go!

Initially I thought I’d attempt to let parents handle the baby and I would just coach them as we went, but it very soon became obvious what a ridiculous notion that was. I couldn’t communicate very clearly with the face mask and visor on (I seem to rely on mime a lot, which I never realised, hah!), and without being able to demonstrate what I meant on another sleeping baby, it is pointless trying to explain. I guess that’s why you hire someone like me, duh! Describing how to move and adjust a newborn to someone who hasn’t trained and has no idea what I’m trying to achieve is impossible!

But Evie was as sweet as can be and her parents were happy for me to do what I needed to. It was a lovely session, despite all the strangeness!

Here are some photos of this gorgeous baby girl!

If you’re expecting, book a newborn session :)