Adding a baby to the family is a wonderful and exciting time, but you have to get through the less-than-wonderful aspect of being pregnant with a toddler to keep up with. Here are some tips to help you survive!
Read MoreCapturing moments of motherhood, being pregnant and having a toddler. These two were fun to hang out with and reminded me how exhausting yet rewarding it is to be a mum.
Read MoreThinking about newborn photography but don’t know where to start? Let me guide you through some of the things to consider as you begin.
Read MoreEver heard of ‘hypnobirthing’ and wondered what it is? Emily Bray, a Cornwall Doula and Hypnobirthing practitioner is my guest writer, giving some useful information about what to ask yourself before booking an antenatal class, and answering initial questions about hypnobirthing.
Read MoreDresses for maternity photoshoots in Cornwall can be hard to find, but I’ve got you covered with my maternity client wardrobe!
Read MoreGetting through pregnancy and preparing for birth and a newborn is about more than finding a pillow or knowing what to pack in your hospital bag. These are my 5 essentials for Pregnancy.
Read MoreA few tips to help you prepare for a maternity session on the beach in Cornwall.
Read MoreAs soon as you discover you’re pregnant, it seems that there is an ocean of information about what you need for your new baby, hitting you repeatedly like tidal waves. But what do you really need?
Read MoreMum of 3's wild and windy beach maternity session in Cornwall
Read MorePeaceful evening maternity photo session at Pendower beach, Cornwall.
Read MoreBump and newborn sessions in the studio
Read MoreA look into my props and outfits collection in my photo studio in Cornwall. This is the beautiful dress from Fillyboo.
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